Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
So? What about “Nibbling the Bullet”? What is that about? Well on the blog entry where I said we couldn’t face doing all the work and were settling for ..... you know, the paint and stuff. Anyway on that blog entry I said we could not face ‘biting the bullet’ and doing all the remodeling. And, that we were willing to do the paint stuff instead and I called it ‘licking the bullet’.
Anyone see where this really way too long yarn is going?
Back on point in a minute. But not yet.
Last Wednesday we had a bunch of people over for (low stakes) poker. I wanted to set up the finger food stuff in the kitchen. The Brennie wanted me to move side tables (from other rooms) into the playing areas. Naturally, I thought that was a stupid idea. I mean, isn’t that what the kitchen is for? Come to find out (later) that the real issue was, ‘kitchen-shame’. She didn’t want anyone to see the kitchen. My response ....... “H*ll honey, then we certainly shouldn’t let anyone go into the bathrooms.” Wrong and really stupid smart-*ss response!
Back to the “Nibbling the Bullet”.
Have you guessed yet? Yeah. Señor Biggy Moutho. I set myself up for having to have the bathrooms gutted and made pretty and sweet smelling. First one bathroom. Then if we are happy with the builder, the other bathroom. Still happy? The kitchen. Still happy? Build a small bungalow in a distant valley (or cliff) for the Brennie!
So, we are not going to bite the bullet ........ simply nibble on it for a while.
I really don’t see the problem. Look at the pics of the bathroom we are starting with. Everything works already! We have bathrooms. What we don’t have is a big-*ssed Harley. Now THAT is our real point of need!
Looks to me like we have everything we need.
Sink, toilet, shower/tub.
Even a plunger. Perfect.
The pipes are convenient.
Really easy to fix if necessary!
How can this be anything but good?
Impossible to run out of hot water with this setup!
No need to worry about staining or damaging the floors.
Already done.
Who needs a vent fan when you got this baby?
AND ..... freshly painted!
Life is sweet,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
While walking Corky and Fluffy (aka Bugger and Wanker) Sunday I came across some kind of ‘dog event’ down on Ave. 12 de Abril. Don’t really know what it was about, but lots of people (lots) hanging around with their dogs. 12 de Abril was blocked off like it is most Sundays. There were 5 or 6 booths and it looked like the dogs were getting free exams (and products?) from the vets. OK, sounds boring when I write about it, but it was pretty cool. I came back later with a camera, but things were winding down by then.
Ivan, his wife and their beasties.
While at the thing above with Corky, I ran into a lady that also had a Pekinese. As usual, when an owner of a female Peke sees Corky, they ALWAYS ask if Corky would be available to do the doggy dance with their female. This is actually the 5th or 6th time this has happened down here .......... people stopping Corky and I and asking if the Corker is ..... you know. Anyway, I always tell them that he is ‘castrado’. They are usually a little surprised. Anyway, Sunday the gal was truly shocked and asked ....WHY? I told her that my wife really wanted to have me castrated, but settled for Corky. Curiously, this seemed to make sense to her.
Sorry Corky.
Not part of your future.
So while walking the dogs this AM, I see a lady with 2 cows grazing down by the river. Not unusual to see cows grazing, but had never seen it by the river this close to downtown. OK, so I am curious and continue to watch. A couple minutes later, she walks the cows up the river bank and through the gate to the school that is right there. What the heck? Show and Tell? School milk program? Hamburgers for lunch?
I came back later to take a pic.
But Obviously the cows were already gone.
Taking Yoga 3 times a week for the last 2 1/2 weeks Seems that Yoga is like mostly a lot of stretching and poses designed to make me feel clumsy, off balance and inadequate. But, I am going to stick with it, because anything that I hate that much has just got to be good for me. Also a little safer than motorcycles for me down here. I ‘failed’ to mention that I laid down the moto again a few weeks ago. Second time since I have been down here and also the 2nd time in 20 years. What the heck? And, duh, yeah ..... it really hurts. I keep the first aid bag on the back of my bathroom door now where it is real handy. My wardrobe is taking a beating what with the blood and tears. (That word “tears”. I mean rips and holes ......... not the blubbering crybaby water that comes out of your eyes.)
Went to the rodeo here at Plaza del Toros on Saturday night. Very cool. Would tell you more, but I hate long blog entries. But, very cool and lots of fun!
Nope. Nothing about cats and goats. Just threw them into the title for fun.