This sign is on the access road into the high school where I teach.
At first I thought....
- Possibly 5 minutes between classes isn't quite enough time for the students?
Now I have heard that the old speed 'bump' signs are being replaced throughout the county with the new and improved 'humping' signs.
So now I am thinking.....
- Time to 'get out of Dodge'?
- Go where the pace of life is, well....different?
- Or maybe just looking for an excuse to put that pic on the blog.
OK...another (stupid) thought. You've heard of speed dating. You know, when people are given like 5 minutes or whatever to talk to a prospective date and then the bell rings and they move on to the next person. Is the speed hump like when the speed date is really successful?
But just gotta love that sign!
Spanish word for the day - rompervelocidades