Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't be Fooled

False sense of security?

Getting suckered in?

Don't get taken in by these signs. They do not mean what you might think.

There are a lot of these red octagonal signs.
Some drivers stop, some slow down, some neither. They are even at the end of the on-ramps to the Autopista (highway / freeway kind of thing with no cute little painted lines marking the lanes). Anyway if you actually stop at one of these on the on-ramp ..... you will probably be rear ended.

There are a lot of these too.
Anyone crossing the street on the strength of one of these is a total idiot. They seem to have little significance to the cars and busses. It is true that sometimes you will have the little green walking figure at the same time that traffic has a green light to cross over the walk-way.

This is the most dangerous of all.
This is on the corner of 12 de Abril and Solano. The traffic is such that it can cross this cross-walk from 3 different (almost one-way) streets. At all times, at least one of those auto approaches has the green light to go through this cross-walk. So if you are crossing, you look in all possible directions and then ........ proceed to scamper across the street muy rapido.

The elevator at our building has been out of commission for 2 weeks. We live n the top floor. It is called the fourth floor. It is actually the 6th. Go figure.

The dumb ones are all dead.

Life is Sweet,

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