Mi amigos,
I have been thinking about you as the heart of winter nears. After 6 lovely winters in Minnesota and another 20 in Kansas, I know the joy of expectation and anticipation that November and December bring. So much to look forward to. The sleet. The freezing rain. Snow. Blizzards. God, I loved it. But alas, for me, it is no more.
Example: Because Brennie and I brought our two little Pekes down with us and because we live in an apartment in old town, I must walk the horrid little beasties at least twice a day down by the river. Yes, it is grim duty ..... a burden. But, I try to be strong. To not complain. So, two nights ago (around 10 PM) I am walking little Bugger and Wanker. Sadly, the temperature had only dropped down to 55 degrees. However, I did notice that the temp in Topeka was an invigorating 17.7 degrees that night. Fabulous! I am trying so hard not to be jealous. But, I am a petty and self-centered toad. I find myself harboring resentments.

However, I try soooooo hard to keep my spirits up. I fight the pain. The loss. The depression. But I am weak. Some times, simply overwhelmed. At such times, I find that going out on the balcony with a cigar, a cup of coffee and a book helps. Please pray for me.
I leave you with some pics I took the other night on my walk:
There was a whole square filled with these luminaries.
These went on for at least 4 blocks.
Maybe more. I don't know.
I was walking in the other direction,
toward the river with Bugg and Wank
Using a different (not better) camera setting.
For this one and the next two,
you need to look at the people
in the foreground to get a concept of the size!
Those black shapes in front are people.
I am not so skilled with the camera.
Life is Sweet (but entirely too warm),
Very funny post, Clarke. You and Brenda are obviously doing well in Cuenca. Hasta luego.
ReplyDeleteWatch it, Clarke Greene, or I'll send you an ice-ball!
ReplyDeleteAnna Walker
It would melt.