Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Uh Oh...Not all is perfect in paradise.

Huh? Whadya mean?

Cigars my friend. Cigars.

If you are familiar with our blog and our apartment you know that we have a 45' long balcony.....perfect for enjoying cigars. If you are not familiar, see the pic at the top of the blog. That pic is taken from inside the apartment, looking out to the balcony. The balcony is fine ..... CIGARS are the issue .... or rather lack of them.

It is a challenge finding decent cigars here. Knowing this from the visit last year, I came prepared (I thought) by bringing several boxes of my favorites.

Our loving daughter Caitlin is coming to visit in a couple weeks. (Guess who is buying her ticket, etc.) Knowing this and the 'cigar issue', I have ordered more cigars to be delivered to her at her job in Portland for her to bring down to me. So far, all is good and there is no 'issue'.

That is ....until I got her email today:
I received your cigars at work today. My name was not on the shipping label, it was just addressed to Advantis Credit Union. So my boss took the liberty of opening the package and then sent out an email to the branch asking whose cigars were delievered to work. I am now a laughing stock. People are teasing me shamlessly.
The only way to get them to stop laughing at me was to share with them. All of my co workers are now enjoying their daily cigar breaks.
See ya in 15 days...cigarless.

My response:
You may think that is funny. Giving away daddies cigars is not even remotely funny. Even joking about it is not funny. Nor is even thinking about joking about it.

The only funny thing is that more cigars are on the way.

Talk soon.


I got a response from her that it was no joke.

When she gets here, I sure hope all my cigars are with her. Otherwise we are taking a long bus ride to the most remote village in Ecuador ........ where I will trade her for 2 goats and a pig!



  1. Make her stop in Quito and buy you some habanos -

  2. You can always get some "excellent" Colombian cigars from the vendor at Parke Calderon.

  3. No Chuck......
    You can NEVER get excellent cigars there. They are toxic.

  4. Remember those two boxes coming to your address are mine. I have some Columbians I can share with you. :-)

  5. Love it, and hope she fetches a better deal than the goats!
