Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scorpoppers and Snurms

Some of you may remember (the oh-so-forgettable) post I did on the famous goat-dogs (dog-goats?) of Cuenca.  As some of you may know, this was the style of engaging, in-depth and thought provoking writing that resulted in this humble blog being awarded the coveted 'Dorkie' for 2009..  Recently this humble blog was  awarded the 2010 and 2011 Dorkie.  The two years were awarded simultaneously (that means at the same time) because the award committee was in rehab for most of 2010.

Anyway ........ on to the Scorpoppers and Snurms ..........

Snake or Worm?
Snurm, Snorm or Wake?
This 'little fellar' would have been a good 8" long if I had straightened hm out.
Brennie told me not to touch him 'cause he might have had fangs hidden in there.
Scorpion or just a scary littl grasshopper fellar?
Scorpopper or Grasspion?

I was told that ...'yeah it has a stinger back there, but it is not poisonous.
Opted not to test it.

Life is Sweet,


  1. Just read your entire blog. Love it! You have a great sense of humor and obviously are enjoying life....good for you! We have purchased land in Ecuador and will be having a house built for retirement in a couple of years. I look forward to more of your updates :)

  2. Was it not enough that I have to learn Spanish - now i have to learn "Clarkish"???

    Charlotte NC
