Started at 8:00 AM Saturday
At noon, everything still there was dropped to half-price.
By 4:00 PM the last remains were at Goodwill, some tables had been returned and outside was all cleaned up. I can't really say it was fun.
It is true that most of the furniture has been sold to friends (definitely the bargains of the year). So a lot of the stuff we are using, actually belongs to the new I guess we are borrowing our own furniture.
BUT the best of the antiques, especially the heirloom antiques were still a question mark. One of us wanted to keep it, while the other sees it all as chaining us to the past and just a monumental headache. (FYI: "headache" isn't really the word I was thinking of.)
Well, this morning , Brenda announced that she really wanted to go ahead and get rid of it. YAHOO.
So, do we sell the best of the antiques for a reasonable price in this economy. Not really sure, quite frankly. but we have a call in to the man we call the E-Bay guy.
Congrats! You are one step closer to your new Adventure! See you on the other side!