Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brennie Saves The Day

Today is Wednesday.

Monday I wrote (but did not post) a blog that I titled ‘Guilt and Self Loathing’.  It was about ....... guilt and self loathing.  Because I was riddled with ........ 

Why was I feeling that way?
It was a Monday.  
I was not at work.  
I was sitting on my *ss reading for pleasure.  
I had nothing planned to do that was remotely constructive.  
I was being lazy and self indulgent.  
I was feeling like a parasite.  
The most constructive thing I did was to actually use an ash tray when I smoked a cigar.

Here are a couple excerpts from the ‘Blog That Didn’t Happen’:
“I was raised a ____________ (insert religion that controls and manipulates using guilt ....... yeah, you know the one I’m talkin’ about).”
“I have an overdeveloped work ethic.”

I even identified sloth as one of the seven deadly sins ...... and rightfully so.  I expressed wonder that lust made the same list ......... after all, isn’t it just good clean fun?

I even had a suggestion for those of you out there still going to work every day.  Don’t stop. Don’t retire early. Keep working.  Preserve your self respect.  Ramp it up to 7 days a week.  Keep paying into Social Security till the day you die. (So that when I turn 62 there will be plenty for me.)

Anyway,  how does Brennie save the day?

Does she get on line looking for another trip for us to take?  Yes she does.  But that’s not the cure.
Does she suggest that I can recapture my dignity and self worth by returning to work?  She does.  But I gallantly point out that if I take a job, it would deprive a more deserving person of the opportunity.
Does she tell me to get over it?  That too.  Doesn’t work.
Does she ignore me?  Duh.

So, what does she do?  How does she save the day?
She slips.  
She falls.  
She fractures her little wrist.

My life has purpose again!
Make the coffee.  
Wash the dishes.  
Make the bed?  
Feed the dogs.
Take out the trash.
Make lunch.

I am a parasite no more.  
There is work for me.  
Once again the Brennie has saved the day.

She looks awfully cute with that little cast on her wrist.

Sorry, gotta go. Laundry to put away

Life is sweet again,


  1. So sorry to hear that Brennie now has to be the one reading and relaxing. Hope she is not in pain and heals fast!

  2. You know, you could feel this way ALL THE TIME. All you have to do is DO THESE THINGS ALL THE TIME.

  3. Clarke,

    You're posts are too funny for words. I really enjoy reading them. Ah, now "posting" must be your work ethic purpose in life. Make sure Brennie recovers quickly, so she can resume her wifely responsibilities, and you can maintain your true "posting" calling. (Not that I hardly ever see you guys, but I can already feel Brennie's steely glare focused on me like a laser beam. Uh, that's chilling!

    By the way, I very much enjoyed both yours and Chuck and Nancy's travel posts stories of your travels to Spain, Morocco, etc. The were enjoyable to read and enlightening. What travels has Brennie got planned for you two guys next?
